job Rejection is always hurt.
whenever we receive mail from our dream company “sorry we are proceed with another candidate” it’s always hurt.
how to respond this situation.
This is Yogin Savani sharing my experience with job rejection how to deal with it.

“I don’t care who you are and how much experience you have, it’s common and you have to be prepared for that.”
Demisha Jennings
before writing mail reply immediately, take deep breath. take your time.
first show your gratitude.
second always ask feedback with positive attitude. never ask feedback or write mail that make negative impact on your character.
take feedback with positive attitude. work on your weakness.
ask yourself about your skill, strong point and weak point work on weak point make it strong. you should know your specialty. using your specialty which type of problem you will solve for the company.
learn new things. where the gap and weakness can make your strong point.
How to ask Feedback After Rejection?
Instead of asking “why you have rejected?” ask keep my resume with you and whenever opportunity for me prefer me first for that. and if you can share my resume with other recruiters or give me other recruiters contact so I can reach out to them and I will really appreciate for that!
be direct and ask what you want!
HR and Managers generally not giving feedback. ask them directly can you give me feedback so I can improve myself and if there will be any opportunity for me so please let me know. give me honest feedback that would be really appreciated.
If you will not get any reply from HR or Manger you can ask yourself what was your interview process.
which questions they have asked and which job description they have given. make question and answer list and ask yourself ho you given all the answers. your competitior have more confidence shown.
after all of this lessons learn you will make much confident yourself for next interview.
How to move forward for next Interview?
after learning from all the lessons learnt. prepare for next job interview.
start your next job search with positive attitude. do changes in resume if required. try to contact many recruiters. apply via linkedin or naukari or indeed.
before interview do research about company. what value you will add to that company or organization. revise your skills and read job description carefully.
at the time of Interview don’t feel shy, nervous or over confident. be natural. be whatever you are. show your positive learning attitude. no one is perfect in this world. don’t take much time. if you don’t know accept it and show your positive learning attitude.
you will get far better job compare to you was rejected. That’s my experience.
All the very best!!!